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- Falkowski, P.G., Algeo, T., Codispoti, L., Deutsch, C., Emerson, S., Hales, B., Huey, R. B., Jenkins, W. J., Kump, L. R., Levin, L. A., Lyons, T. W., Nelson, N. B., Schofield, O., Summons, R., Talley, L. D., Thomas, E., Whitney, F., Pilcherm C. B. 2011. Ocean Deoxygenation: Past, Present, and Future. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 92(46): 409-411. (Link)
- Koblizek, M., Janouskovec, J., Obomik, M., Johnson, J. H., Ferriera, S., Falkowski, P. G. 2011. Genome sequence of the marine photoheterotrophic bacterium Erythrobacter sp. Strain NAP1 . Journal of Bacteriology 193(20): 5881-5882 doi:10.1128/JB.05845-11 (Link)
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- Tchernov, D., Kvitt, H., Haramaty, L., Bibby, T. S., Gorbunov, M. Y., Rosenfeld, H., Falkowski, P. G. 2011. Apoptosis amd the selective survival of host animals following thermal bleaching in zooxanthellate corals . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi/10.1073/pnas.1106924108 (Link)
- Cermeno, P., Lee, J., Wyman, K., Schofield, O., Falkowski, P. 2011. Competitive dynamics in two species of marine phytoplankton under non-equilibrium conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 429: 19-28. doi; 10.3354/meps09088 (Link)
- Moeller, H. V., Johnson, M. D., Falkowski, P. G. 2011. Photoacclimation in the phototrophic marine ciliate Mesodinium rubrum (Ciliophora) Journal of Phycology DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00954.x (Link)
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- Andrianasolo, E.H. , Haramaty, L., McPhail, K.L. , White, E., Vetriani, C., Falkowski. P.G., Lutz, R. 2011. Bathymodiolamides A and B, Ceramide Derivatives from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Invertebrate Mussel, Bathymodiolus thermophilus. J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74, 842–846. (Link)
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- E.G. Maksimov, F.I. Kuzminov, I.V. Konyuhov, I.V. Elanskaya, V.Z. Paschenko, 2011. Photosystem 2 effective fluorescence cross-section of cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 and its mutants. Journal of Photochemistry and photobiology B 104, 285-291.(Link)
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